My mother, Devi Nathurmal Khaitani… taught me to believe in this word… TRUST in life..and TRUST in GOD.. it was her strong belief that if you partnered with God in whatever project you undertook. then God will never let you down as your partner ! God..thus ….became my partner for life..!
She believed too in the spirit of compassion … and in the grace of giving and ..doing so with utmost humility .. for you give not for the grandeur of giving..but for the implicit belief that what you give is your own gift…the fuller the acceptance..the deeper the debt !
With my gratitude to God for always honouring His partnership in my life..and with a deep sense of love and affection for my mother who taught me the true meaning of giving.. the Devi Nathurmal Trust was founded to continue the spirit of my mother’s beliefs.
Devi Nathurmal Trust was started In August 30th 2002 and continues the efforts to spread joy and hope where none exist … (AJIJ KHAITANI Son of Devi Nathurmal)
India presents a strange paradox: on the one hand patients are pouring in from South Asian countries, Gulf region and even Western countries to take advantage of our world class medical treatment at the most affordable cost, and on the other hand the very healthcare is still out of reach for the majority of our own people because of poverty and lack of access. All our achievements in medicine and surgery are meaningless if our poor villagers, working class and ordinary citizens do not get the benefit of health care and our children continue to die of preventable diseases due to lack of funds. Nearly 80 percent of the infants die due to their parents’ inability to afford treatment. The rest continue to live with the disease till they are taken away from this world by the disease itself. “Children are our Most Precious Resource and hope for the Future”The burden of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in India is enormous due to a very high birth rate. Reportedly every 8 to 10 children out of 1000 have CHD and majority of these children do not get the necessary care, leading to high morbidity and mortality.
To give benefit to these children with heart disease our group regularly conduct Free Heart Check Up Camps in villages and small towns The various places included under our programme are Srinagar, Jammu, Patna, Lucknow, Kanpur, Gorakhpur, Allahabad. In the last few years we have been able to help almost eight hundred children under this programme. However the major limitation is the paucity of funds. We have had the comfort of working with the number of associations, NGO’s and individuals who have been financing us. We want more and more such organizations and Individuals to join us in this act of goodwill.

The objective of this Project is to improve the health of economically deprived children of India, who suffer from Congenital and Rheumatic Heart Diseases. Many of these children would die young, if left untreated. The treatment is very expensive, and where day-to-day life itself is a struggle for these families most of these children do not receive any medical support. Under this program about 1000 children with heart diseases partially or fully have been helped. Anybody willing to contribute for this program could get in touch with me through following email
Foundation with whom we collaborate for this project
- Medanta Foundation
- Doctors For You:
- DFY focuses on providing medical care to the vulnerable communities
- Heart Care Foundation of India