- Published one of the earliest reports on angiographic follow-up of OPCAB (Beating Heart CABG) from India. Accredited by Medtronics(U.S.A.).
(Annals of Thoracic Surgery.2000;vol.69(4): 1216-1221). - Published third report in the world literature on Radial artery angiographic follow up. (Annals
Thoracic Surgery.1999;67(6):1631-1636) - Performed total arterial revascularization on youngest patient in world literature. (J Thorac Cardiovascular Surgery 2005 April.)
- Published the data on adenosine preconditioning of the Myocardium in patients with ventricular dysfunction undergoing myocardial revascularization.
(Eur. J of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 2001;19(1):41-6.) - Used for the first time Harmonic scalpel for the harvest of Radial and Internal mammary Artery conduits in India. (Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals. March, 7;(2001))
- Performed the youngest bypass with coronary aneurysm repair in the World at age 20 months for Kawasaki Disease (Mentioned in LIMCA Book of Records)
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

- Described a new - operative technique for repair of supracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. (Published in Annals of thoracic surgery- USA)
- Described a new operative technique for coarctation of aortic with type - B aortic dissection(Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery USA)
- Published one of the largest experience of arterial switch procedure for transposition of great arteries.
(Indian Heart Journal) - Described a new technique tor pulmonary artery banding. (Indian Heart Journal)
- Did first extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in India.
- Largest experience of Pediatric Ross procedure in India.
- Did the youngest Ross procedure at forty-five days of life.
- Did the youngest Bentall procedure in the world literature (at 1 and a half year of age)
- Did for the first time in the world a combination of Ross Procedure with Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in a 13 year old girl.
- Did the Arterial switch at 1500 gms of Weight (Smallest in India)
- Did the youngest Double Switch(Arterial Switch and Senning) procedure(at 48 days of life).
Treatment of Chronic Pulmonary Thromboembolism

- The team specializes in treatment of patients with chronic pulmonary thrombosis (Pulmonary Thromboendartrectomy) with gratifying results.
Infective Endocarditis

- Part of European Endocarditis Registery.
- The team has an extensive experience in treating valve endocarditis and infected aortic aneurysms.
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
- Developed first minimally invasive cardiac surgery programme in India.
- Performed more than 400 procedures by this approach. Mainly in pediatric age group patients with ASDs/ VSDs/ Partial AV Canal.(Data Presented at ISMICS meeting in London - 2003)
- Developed complete set of instruments for these procedures.
Cardiac Transplantation Programme/ Mechanical Circulatory support

- Part of team that performed the first successful heart transplant in India (1994) under the leadership of Professor P Venugopal.
- Did the first successful Heart Transplant in Haryana at Medanta The Medicity Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Naresh Trehan
- Did the first successful Heart transplant in Central India, at Medanta, The Medicity, Indore.
- Performed successful mechanical circulatory support at Medanta The Medicity.
First Successful Heart Transplantation Done in India - 1994

AIIMS - First Ventricular Assist Device - 1996

Story of successful Mechanical Circulatory Support Device implanted at Medanta

Instruments Designed by Dr. Bhan

- Designed and developed more than 50 instruments for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery. Thoracic and Thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms, mitral valve surgery and the beating heart Coronary Artery Bypass surgery.